Well, after 90K of semi-regularly hitting the curb or scrapping the driveway, part of the front (under-car) plastic splash shield broke off! I went to the dealer today thinking it was a "minor" repair...and got sticker shock for $287 to replace both front splash shields! The parts were $93 each plus clamps and labor...ouch! I got online and look at discount places and found these shields ranging from $42 to $73. So, my question to you all is what the heck is the difference between the $42 shileld and the $93 one? It's just plastic to protect the bottom from splashes into the engine and such, right? Would I be ok to go cheap? Thanks. Oh...I guess it does pay to drive slowly over the lowly driveways!!
Probably no difference. I recently bought some Toyota genuine parts from Parts.com - For every part of your life for about 1/3 the local dealer price.