Pediatricians tighten stance on corporal punishment - Chicago Tribune Never had to.....BUT(!) I had a bandolier full of other punishments such as walking my child into school - and into the classroom - dressed "appropriately", ripping a bedroom door off of the hinges and flinging it into the back yard, and altering a bedroom radio to only play ONE station, and at an appropriate volume level.......and sometimes I had to get more 'creative' with my rudder inputs. Others in my orbit do not "spare the rod"...or the hand, flyswatter, privot branch, etc. Some on the other hand, use more contemporary parental methods.....WITH what I submit are more contemporary results. YMMV.... I humbly submit that the American Academy of Pediatrics might not be thinking this all the way through - but then my child rearing years are in the rear-view mirror. Thoughts?
If parents pay close attention to their kids and help them understand where their boundaries are, then physical punishment should be unnecessary.
now that i am a grandfather, it is easier to see some of the mistakes i made when raising my children. but at the time, they seemed right.