I have reported the current spammer. I got tired of replying to each of his posts, so I'll just start a new thread saying I did it. TheV8C*** (you know his name...) - his posts have been reported. Most of them anyway.
One of the unfortunate benefits of the internet and our legal system is that you cannot directly beat the living crap out of kids like this. Rather than reply to each of the threads simply report one and ignore the rest. They'll will be gone once a mod deletes the account.
Yep, thanks to lawyers and liberals, the criminals and perverts have way more rights than I do. I really like how I have to work and pay taxes just to support useless punks
Hey now, I'm more liberal than conservative and I think perverts and criminals should be "beaten to a pulp" too. I blame the lawyers, not the liberals. Liberal statement: These punks often pay taxes as well but that doesn't give them free reign to act like asshats. This is a direct result of a large anynomous society. These people have no "checks" in place to reprimand their attitudes. If this were a coffee shop and they pulled this crap they'd crawl out the door with a few teeth missing or if this were a village they would be marginalized. People often wonder why large civilizations do not last....
"Pruned" This new forum software gives us the ability to ""prune threads by member." This means that after someone takes a lot of time to register a name, set up an account, and make some posts, we can remove their profile and all their posts in about a minute of effort. In fact, the biggest hesitation influencing how long it takes us to remove them from the PriusChat database is the amount of time it takes us to log into the Administration Control Panel. So in the future if you see references to someone or a post that is indicated to be offensive but you can't find that person or their posts just assume that they've been "pruned."
It's probably better to not respond to goofballs like that. Send messages to moderators, put the goofball on your ignore list and sit back and wait for the moderators to clean him out of the site. The rather obscene pictures suggest a certain banned cephalopod but who knows?
I live in a village. You are exactly right. What a great feature. Are you sure it doesn't just make their fingers and toes all wrinkly, like when you've been in the tub too long? Wouldn't it be more effective if you could "prune members by threads"? That way they couldn't pass along their bad genes. Tom
Yes, as F8L said. It's not automatic, but it's an option we have. I don't want people to think that if they are ever banned all their posts get erased. But when there's a troll who makes a half-dozen posts, we used to have to go and clean them up one at a time. Now we have about three mouse clicks and *poof*.
I was referring to the Liberal Party of Canada. Among other things, they had a Legal Age of Consent of 14 years old. At the most, a kiddie porn pervert *might* see a year in jail, usually just a fine and a slap on the wrist Most of the perverts that are discovered around here are disenfranchised losers who certainly don't make enough to even pay tax. However, the have the "right" to get a computer, post disgusting images, and generally act like a loser pervert. Naturally, once discovered, they are the victim in all of this I really don't know what the "final solution" should be. Perhaps grind them up and turn them into cat food. Perhaps lengthy jail sentences. Perhaps quick surgical removal of their reproductive organs. Your guess is as good as mine. I for one would not like to see radical Muslims take over. Though I think we both know what would happen to the perverts if radical Muslims did take over, so maybe some compromises are in order. Yes, I get pretty steamed over this crap
The name is still showing on the main page of the forums he was sliming but when you click on the topic itself, the posts are no longer there.
So, a lot of "pruning" makes, uh, certain things flow OUT nice and fast, right? Cool. Yes, I learned my lesson about this as a kid. . _H*
The last remaining problem is that the persons name can be offensive (or include an offencive element. e.g. "TheV8****"
It takes the admins just a couple of mouse clicks to delete all of somebody's posts. This is how they were able to make short work out of the recent troll attack.