Sony Ericsson T608 phones available from Sprint!

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by pjdemmitt, May 19, 2004.

  1. pjdemmitt

    pjdemmitt Junior Member

    Dec 8, 2003
    Columbia, MD
    I posted most of the following over at Prius-2G, but thought others might find it useful:

    T608s are available directly from Sprint.

    I recently got a message from someone posted on this
    group about selling T608s and that there was a limited run of only 10,000.

    So, I went to my local Sprint store in Columbia, MD. They looked it up in
    their database and said that I had to go online to order one from the site. I did that and they were not available there, but
    there was a toll-free number to call, which I did.

    They didn't seem to have any shortage of phones for sale.
    But maybe you have to have an existing Sprint account.
    The number I called was: 888-253-1315.

    I spoke with Jackie in telesales. She quoted me a price of
    $199 plus $5 shipping plus $10 tax, for a total of about $215.
    This is much cheaper than those selling on ebay, some of
    which have been posted for over $300.

    As I wasn't sure that I wanted to buy the phone the first
    time I called, she told me to call her back on 877-778-7040
    and ask for her, which I did. The phone arrived two days
    later, though she said to expect it in a week.

    I am an existing Sprint customer. There are no discounts or
    rebates on this phone, but it works very well with the
    service. It took me a few times to get it conncected, but it
    automatically connects now every time I get into the car
    with it on.

    Phone book transferred fine; it only transfers the first
    number associated with a name, so set up the phone book
    on your phone first with only one number - the one you
    want to appear in the car, then transfer the book (called
    business cards in the phone) and then go back to the
    phone and add additional numbers under each name.
    At least this is the way I did it.

    I really like this phone, even though it is not a flip phone, which I would
    have preferred. It has voice dialing built in, so you don't need to pay
    extra to Sprint to subscribe to voice dialing for those times you are away
    from your car making calls. It also has a speakerphone function that you
    can activate in the middle of a call. If you get a PocketPC or Palm device
    with Bluetooth, you should also be able to exchange phonebooks with
    your phone. I haven't tried that yet, as I don't have a Bluetooth enabled

    I also went to

    and ordered some extra batteries for $12 and a couple of
    charger cords for the car ($6) and an adapter that allows the car
    charger cord to be plugged into a wall outlet ($6).
    I got a couple of these, too. I keep the combo in my travel bag.
    That way I don't have to take my original cord on trips; just the one and the AC adapter.
    They came in about a week from Hong Kong, and work well.

    Hope this isn't too much information!

  2. artie

    artie Member

    Feb 5, 2004
    san diego
    2016 Prius
    tho this isn't priusspecific, not only does my 608 work fine in my prius, but it acts as a modem for my bluetooth enabled HP laptop...i've been surfing on the internet at the beach while my youngest kid is surfing in the water. wasn't windy, gotta watch out for the sand blowing.