After some looking after wondering why my 20 Prius would not play all the songs on my USB I found in the manual there is a limit of 255 files per folder. This is a little hard to believe as I have played, with no problems, my 1800 songs on my other car (Ford) and on other peoples cars (Corvette, Equinox, Explorer) with no problem. Just plug and play. Now I have to divy up my 1800 songs into 255 increments!? Is that what y'all are doing? I find this hard to believe since I can play it on my grandson's 6 yr old Hyundai with no problem accessing all songs. This does not seem right but the manual is clear.
I bought an iPod nano specifically to use in the vehicle. The iPod doesn't appear to have a limit as I have more than 255 songs in playlists.
So I am supposed to spend 100's $$ and have a usb cord plus ipod in the way instead of using a $3 usb that is tucked out of the way. No thanks. As far as I can tell Toyota is the only US manufacturer with this limitation. What gets to me is that songs are about 6kb in size. So 255 takes up about 1-2 mb. Toyota can't develop the software to handle this small number of files? This is unbelievably short sighted.