I was cruising the parking lot of the gas station on EV trying to get those 3 miles. Plus, I knew I still had 6 miles until my 50 was up. It's really not as bad as it looks. I just caught it between blinks all 3 times, lol.
If you don't mind me asking, what was the significance of the pictures you took? Just the high mileage? Or was there a nerd number that I'm not familiar with?
A question to DKTVAV. Please post a thread and tell all the Prius C owners how you were able to average 72 MPG for 10,000 miles of driving. I have 1350 miles on my Prius C 2 and have averaged about 60 MPG. I thought I was doing good until I saw your 72 MPG over 10,000 miles! What is the secret to this outstanding MPG average. Please share your driving technique with all of us...
ztanos answered your question already. My lifetime is almost the same as yours at around 61 MPG for the first 10,000 miles.