Question on the Solar roof. Is there a filter or does the solar fan use the existing cabin air filter? I'm just wondering if you park in a dusty area or someones gardener comes along with a leaf blower and blows up a bunch of dust around the car with the solar fan activated, would dust get sucked inside?
Being that it uses existing blower motor (though upgraded from non-solar versions), it also uses the existing cabin-air filter. The clean/change interval is 10k miles/20k miles vs. 15k miles/30k miles for non-solar as a result.
And change the filter yourself - don't have the dealer do it. They will charge you a bunch of $$. Go to Amazon (or similar website) order the filter for 14 bucks (or so) then watch a YouTube video on how to change it (it's behind your glove box). You'll get satisfaction of saving money and being a handy person all at once!
That's the better of the 2 options. The other is cheaper, made of plain paper and lacks any odor control.
On most Toyotas, 15K miles. Using the solar roof ventilation option frequently, maybe 10K miles. Easy enough to pop it out and have a look. When in doubt, replace it. Even minor airflow restriction can noticeably impact A/C and heater function.