I now know for sure that a pip is not a gallon. Today, while on a short 2 hour trip, I filled up and went 115 miles before the first pip disappeared. Avg. MPG for the entire 2 hours was 50.7 with both interstate and back road driving.... jf
I once filled right when the first pip went down. I got almost 3 gallons in. The baldder tank is no where near linear so dont trust it. I usually try to fill at about 3 pips left. Thats usually about 8 gallons.
We drove to Florida from Toronto Canada recently. My wife saw that Shell had a special deal on for something if you got 10 gallons of gas or more. I had to wait until lights were flashing and beeps were going before filling up again and I never did make it to 10 gallons! It would be nice if the tank was bigger, can you imagine driving half way across the country before filling up?? Buck
Anywhere from about 50 miles in the coldest part of the winter to about 250 miles in the heat of the summer. That's the nature of the Prius' flexible, temperature-sensitive fuel bladder and the non-linear guess ... er, gas gauge.