My present Prius is a 2005 model and when I got it there was only one smart key. I had to purchase a second one for about $250. Will my new PIP come with 2 smart keys or only one? If only one, will I be able to have one of my old keys reprogrammed?
Did you buy a used Prius? A friend purchased a used Prius from Toyota which came with one keyfob. I thought it should have come with two. When I asked the salesman, his response was that it was policy for used Prius come with one keyfob. Someone posted that you could get them to include a spare keyfob if you negotiate for it.
What the hell are they gonna do with the other one? My 2005 came with 2 when I purchased it and it'll leave with 2. Hopefully not to a dealer. :mmph:
Thanks for the response. My original Prius was a 2001 which I intended to keep until the PIP came out. Three years ago it was totaled when a Toyota 4-Runner ran into me. I drove the Prius home, but the 4-Runner had to be towed. The insurance company said repairs would cost more than the worth so I replaced the 2001 with a used 2005 which had only one smart key.
All Toyota's come with at least 2 fobs/keys when new, but one key often gets lost along the way when ownership is transferred...usually they are "pocketed" by someone in the car sales chain. The used fobs/keys often end up on Ebay/Craigslist.
Yep. That's probably what's going on. If I were buying a used Prius and it came w/only 1 SKS, I'd demand that I get a second one or they drop by price what it costs for a replacement and pairing the car to both key fobs. It really bothers me to keep seeing people post here about only receiving 1 smart key fob w/their used Prius. It's up there w/hearing about non-Touring 2nd gens being misrepresented as Touring models...
No, it's just an unfavorable interpretation. The Toyota Certified 160 Point Inspection only specifies that "Master key be present", so the obligation is to only provide one keyfob. They simply chose to honor the minimum obligation, no more, no less. 160 Point Inspection | Certified Used Toyota Click "Instrument Panel & Electronic Systems" to see the list. I actually think that the Toyota Certified 160 Point Inspection should require the same number of keys as new vehicles. Having only one keyfob left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth. IMO, two keyfobs would be better for customer satisfaction since many are surprised at the cost of additional keyfobs. Perhaps this is a holdover from when keys were easier and cheaper to duplicate.
The Gen2 and Gen3 keyfobs are not compatible. Both the electronic signaling and the mechanical keys are different.
I worked at a Mercedes dealership several years ago, and they had a terrible lost key record. This was in spite of a cardkey controlled key safe system, which allowed only certain individuals to check out keys. The dealership had to frequently pay to replace lost keys on new vehicles. I'm not sure how used cars were handled, as they were at a separate facility. Of course, vehicle owners can lose keys too, before the trade-in.
The fact that the 160-point inspection only requires that one key be present does not mean that it's Toyota policy to only provide one key. It merely means that having only one key is not a defect. And it also does not mean that someone isn't stealing the other one to sell on eBay. Maybe the previous owner lost one, or didn't bother turning it in, or is the one who stole it. But the consequences of being without a key fob are so great that it's just common sense that a reputable seller will provide two. I do not subscribe to the notion that all used car dealers are disreputable. But it's certainly a field that's fraught with dishonesty.
Yes, the dealer quoted me $455 dollars for a second fob. Hell no. Followed advice here on PriusChat, got a virgin key on Ebay, and a Techmaster cable and software. Fifteen minutes, $108 total. Even so, I miss the days when you could get a key cut at the local hardware store for $5.