I have been driving a 2006 Prius for two weeks and love it. I was told or read somewhere that the Smart Key should not be stored or carried within 3 feet of a cell phone. My purse is not that big! The front seat of the car is not that big. Can anyone please clarify what will happen if I carry both the key and the phone in my purse? Thanks so much. Marcy
I haven't had any issues after 6 months of carrying both in the same purse...and I assure you there aren't 3 cubic feet of space in it....let alone 3 linear feet of space to keep them apart.
There may be some interference and the Prius can't "find" the SKS. That being said several have had both in the same pocket with no problems. I have my cell clipped to my belt on my left and the SKS is on the right. They're less than 3 feet apart and they work fine.
I found that if the cell phone and Smart Key are in same compartment in my purse the Smart Key doesn't work. If I move it to another spot (another zipper compartment or pouch) then it's fine. They can both be in the purse, just not share the same spot. Same with a pocket. If they are in the same pocket...no response from the Smart Key. Move it to another pocket and all is well. Must be some interference from cell phone.
keys and cell phone in my left pocket 24-7 (i don't even take them out at night... they jsut sit there till i go hunting for them in the morning and make it into the new pair of pants :lol
Well, spoke too soon... No sooner do I post saying I've had no problems, my SKS FOB stops working. Don't know if it was the car or the FOB, but I couldn't get the car to respond - no beeps, nothing. I couldn't lock the car with pushbuttons on car or FOB. I had to use the metal key to lock the car. :angry: The manual says storing FOB and cell phone together can dramatically reduce FOB battery life, so I thought this was the problem. However, after separating the phone and FOB in different pockets and waiting a few hours everything has returned to normal. :huh: Weird.