Eventually I realized the promise of Skype was more hype. But the couple of dollars in the 'account' were not something I was worried about. Then I got this unsolicited e-mail about a class action. SPAM has gotten so bad, I automatically discount stuff like this. I was curious if anyone else had any experience with it. Personally, I'm leaning towards ignoring it ... heck I don't even remember what the abandoned 'credit' was ... Bob Wilson
I got the e-mail and deleted it...figured, at best, it would be worth a few bucks and at worst nothing but trouble.
I used Skype more when my daughter was in Italy but have still used it here as well. I have not received and emails about a class action suit. Thanks for the heads up though.
My family and I use Skype from time to time. It's been my understanding that class action lawsuits do more to benefit the lawyers than the people.
The notice I received was about a proposed settlement of a class action lawsuit against Skype and company. The Cliff-Notes version of what I received was that a settlement is being proposed where you get $4.00 in credit put into your account plus the balance clearing (where previously, the account was zeroed out if no activity in something like 6 months) activity ceases. If no activity in some period (probably 6 months), then the account goes inactive, but it can be re-activated with the balance amount being retained.