I've been showing off my new car most of the day! LOL I have a package #3 and have yet to use the "key" or "fob". I just leave it in my purse or pocket. I finally figured out that I had to place my hand between the door handle and the car in order for the car to unlock whatever door I was standing near. I remembered to push the black button (any of them) to lock the car. There have been several times when my husband or father have tried to lock the doors by pressing the black button. They just look at me like I am crazy. It doesn't seem to work for them. It works for me no problem every single time. I can walk up to whatever button is closest, press it, and the car responds immediately by locking all doors. My dad pushed the passenger button after lunch today and the car did nothing. Luckily, I was listening for the lock and it didn't happen. I walked up and pushed it and the car locked all the doors. He played with it more later and it wouldn't lock for him. Tonight, I had our sleeping daughter in my arms and asked my husband to lock the car. He must have spent a full minute or two trying to lock the car and it would not lock for him. I managed to push the button without disturbing our sleeping child and it locked all the doors instantly. Is there a special technique I am doing and they are not? Does it only lock if the fob is within a certain distance of that particular button? Or is it just partial to girls??? Seriously, though, it is driving my husband crazy. LOL
hahaha.. funny story.. i should ask my gf to lock the car and drive her crazy. the car can "sense" where the key fob is. let say if u r standing on the driver side and ur husband is standing on the passenger side. he can't open or lock the car, only you can.
it must like girls. :lol: kidding. you have to be on the same side of the car as the fob, and within a certain distance (about 3 ft) for it to work. so have him take the fob with him, in his pocket or something, walk up to the car, and try to use the sks. (my dh, laughing, says "ha ha, give the guy his own key!")
lol.. i do this to my nephews all the time.. then i walk over and unlock it.. i walk away and they try with no suscess.
I didn't realize that the key had to be at the door until my wife tried to lock it. She's such a technophobe she hasn't tried since. Another time I hit the unlock via remote and since she didn't open the door in 30 seconds it relocked on her. She must think the car is doing a Christine on her.
THANK YOU!!! Well, my husband thanks you and my dad will, too, when I tell him why he "can't" lock the car. Tee hee!!!! I found this highly amusing! BTW, he (DH) has his own fob/key. He didn't bother bringing it.