Wondering if this is a good price for replacing one of my SKS key fob. My local dealer quoted me $202.33 for the fob and $64.95 for programming. I searched around the forum for related threads but didn't find any. Thanks.
I found a wide variation in prices for the key fob and programing. The cheapest I found was $175 for the NEW key and $40 to program at a local dealer. Shop around and get a name along with the quote. They tried to renig on my lowest quote, but honored it when I gave the name. My dealer could not program a used key that I tried off of ebay.
Once a brand new SKS key is programmed to a car, it cannot be reprogrammed to another car without a few hours and tedious work. I ordered my brand new SKS key for $150 and I found a Toyota dealer to program it for free (takes less than 10-15 minutes). I did end up calling 3-4 dealers before I found that one.
Just as a point of clarification, the fob is not programmed. Instead, the car is programmed to accept the fob. After a limited number of activations, a fob no longer responds as new, and therefor cannot be paired to a car without going through a reseeding process whereby all associated fobs are unassociated and you start again from scratch. Tom