Sometimes when I go over small bumps, or drive on curvy roads, the tires feel as if they are skidding and there is no traction. And, in fact, the traction light comes on. It is very disconcerting to feel as if you have no control. I have driven the same route for years with many different cars, and have never before had any problems. Does anyone else's car skid?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amaranta @ Aug 10 2007, 08:18 PM) [snapback]493792[/snapback]</div> I sometimes notice the traction light come on. And the tires do bounce. But the car doesn't skid. I think its normal when you go over certain spots in the road. Also, you may notice it if you go over railroad tracks. Marvin
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amaranta @ Aug 10 2007, 05:18 PM) [snapback]493792[/snapback]</div> Are you on the OEM tires? Have you checked your tire pressure? You might check the alignment, too. What speed are you going?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amaranta @ Aug 10 2007, 05:18 PM) [snapback]493792[/snapback]</div> It's usually over a pothole or railway tracks. If you brake over those surfaces (esp. when it's wet!), the "Slip Indicator" light will come on and you'll hear the ABS working away. It's protecting the electric motor so it does get a bit aggressive some times.
Mine's done this a few times. What really bothers me is that once the car sort of lurched forward at the same time. I can extremely close to rear ending someone as a result. Was probably doing about 20 MPH, accelerating at a green light, hit the bump and the dash indicator lit up then the car acted like I had floored it for a split second. IMO the Prius has amazingly few faults, far fewer than any car I've owned, which is amazing considering the price point, but this is one of them.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(amaranta @ Aug 10 2007, 06:18 PM) [snapback]493792[/snapback]</div> I had not experienced this until I increased my tire pressure to 40/38. You might check your TP and decrease it to what Toyota recommends to see if you decrease the problem.
The tires are momentarily bouncing or lifting off the road and thus losing their grip. The Prius has a stiff suspension; extra air in the tires will aggravate this. You could always try driving more slowly (yeah, I know, that's crazy talk).
All the above mentioned problems disappeared for me once I upgraded to better tires. Only had 4400 on the stock tires, and that was too long already.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Malarkey @ Aug 12 2007, 10:58 PM) [snapback]494481[/snapback]</div> Yes, that's exactly it. It's both scary and dangerous. I have not changed the tires since I got the car. It has the pressure it had from the dealership. IMO this is the lesser of it's 2 faults. It's first and major fault is NO SUNROOF! :lol:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(abq sfr @ Aug 12 2007, 11:10 PM) [snapback]494489[/snapback]</div> Same with me, it never did it to me until I upped the pressure originally I ran 38.5 all around, after I pumped them to 41f/39r I saw it a few times like maybe once per tank of gas, I recently pumped them to 45f/43r and I am seeing it frequently like 2 or 3 times a week, so I propably will go back down a few PSI for safety.