Hi All, Article in San Jose Mercury news this morning. Lawrence, Capitol, San Tomas, and Montague expressways do not allow single occupant drivers in carpool lanes. The law was made for state highways in CA. Highway Patrol will be inforcing this. Charlie
I don't think so. We would have to have a list handy of what counties we need to move out of the lane when traveling through. "Wait, is this county on the list? No? Are you sure? When did I update this list? Aw damn here comes the Poh-lice." And you know they would be waiting right behind the county welcome sign Dukes of Hazard style.
I believe this is the link to the article: http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews...62737.htm&cid=0
State law would preempt a county ordinance if it were written to permit the use of single occupant hybrid automobiles in all car pool lanes in the state. However, the present legislation in California only pertains to state maintained highways not to local roads.
The article said that they would be rewriting the law to eliminate this silly oversight. Said it might not be before 2007, though, so stay out of those carpool lanes. Oddly enough these carpool lanes, which are on the right-hand side of the streets, were one of the arguments for having 4 stickers on the cars.