I'm trying to understand the the math behind the battery charge. The battery indicator has 8 bars when fully charged: [ | | | | | | | | ] and when the EV range is fully depleted (0 EV miles left) it shows 6 bars: [ | | | | | | . . ] So does that mean that the EV charge (13.3 miles) is 1/4 of the battery's capacity (1/4 x 4.4kWh)?
When EV runs out and the ICE starts up, the battery's state of charge is at about 23%. When it's full, it's at about 85.1%.
So, when you run out of EV charge and you're switched to HV mode with HV display, is HV battery shown as full? If yes, when you deplete EV part of the battery and you, at that time, coast at 30 mph, is ICE off and you're emptying the HV part of the battery as in the regular Prius?
But that doesn't jive with the 8-bar (EV full) versus 6-bar (EV empty) indicator symbol unless it's not a linear gauge (or I'm missing something)...
What you are missing is that the icon for the battery gauge changes depending upon whether there is any EV range left. When there is no EV range left, the battery gauge has an 8 segment display as you've already mentioned. But when you have EV range available, it changes to a solid battery and the level of it goes up and down depending the estimated range. When you get down to about 0.6 or 0.7 miles, it changes back to the 8-segment battery display and the EV range counts down to nothing, and then it's just in regular HV mode, but with an apparently full battery for HV mode. With this bigger battery, I've only seen the top two segments disappear when in HV mode. With my 2005, I'd regularly get down to 2 or 3 battery bars. In the regular Prius, the battery gauge has never been linear. Each segment is not a fixed percentage of SOC available. There's overlap between the segments depending upon whether you are discharging or charging. Somebody on here had a chart showing the SOC to batery bar comparison and how it overlapped.