Well Im sure glad I decided to put a Prius back together just in time to see gas jump over $6 a gallon this summer... I have never seem this kind of Silver run.... and Oil is over $110 a barrel. Obama is gonna make you a rich man if you started jamming silver away when they were practically giving it away 10 years ago !!!
Unless Saudi Arabia's population decides to revolt, which would be a tough proposal since every country, other than Russia perhaps, need their oil, I do not see it this year. Now with the unrest spilling into Syria, a major Sunni country like Saudi, I think it is fair to say that uncertainties, and those who profit from energy sector uncertainties, will speculate and keep the prices to $4/ga. Get ready for $6/ga doesn't say when? We will definitely see $6/ga, but I doubt it will happen this year or next. FYI in Europe gasoline is $10/ga.