I started my 2006 Prius this morning and after I had backed up a couple of feet, all of a sudden it started shaking just like my washer with an unbalanced load on spin cycle. I mean the whole car was shaking big time. I immediately stopped and then whatever was causing the shake stopped. It took it about one second to settle back down, witch is about the same time it took to start. I can’t say for sure but I think that it could have started as the engine started? Has anyone had this happen to them? When something like this happens it usually happens again, so I’m very worried. I’m open for all comments as to the probable cause of this. I’m talking big time out of balance here.
No warning message on the display screen? Shaking like that can be caused by one injector or spark plug going to sleep, but I have no doubt that there are other possibilities. I think it may be time for a shop visit.
No warning message on the display screen? Shaking like that can be caused by one injector or spark plug going to sleep, but I have no doubt that there are other possibilities. I think it may be time for a shop visit. PS: when PC warns you to wait 30 seconds between posts, you know you are in too deep
If the vehicle was parked overnight in the rain it may be caused by water in the ignition system. This can be caused by the tray under the rear edge of the bonnet not being sealed. You need to dry out the ignition system, spray the components with dewatering fluid and seal the middle join in the rear tray.
Bill: It has not happened again but then I haven’t driven it since then. When you’re retired you spend a lot of time eating, watching TV, walking the dogs and taking naps. Tochatihu: It happened so fast and I was all freaked out that I didn’t look at the gauges. Patsparks: Car not exposed to rain, also no rain. I would take it to the dealer but unfortunately there is only one dealer within 80 miles and they can’t spell service or Prius for that matter. I could take it to Raleigh NC, that’s about 3 ½ hours away but if I can’t make it happen at least once while there, then we get to here those ugly nine words: “If it happens again, then bring it back in”.
Hi John, Assuming that the shaking started as you were in reverse and the engine came on, then my guess is that the hybrid ECU was confused and was not allowing MG1 to spin at a sufficient rate so that the engine could operate at idle speed. This conflict caused the vibration that you noticed. I had noticed a similar issue occasionally with my 2001 when coming to a stop under normal driving, not when in reverse. The car felt like driving a manual transmission car when you come to a stop and fail to depress the clutch pedal. If you have no warning lights on, then the dealer will not be able to do anything for you. All I can suggest is that you be alert to this happening again, and if it does happen, carefully note whether any warning lights come on. Good luck.
This could be what happened?? If/when it happens again, I’ll be looking at the gauges. What happened is some what like what you said about the standard shift at while stopping but of course there was no lurching like you would get in the scenario that you used. Keep in mind that the Prius was rocking from side to side just like a out of balance washer. Thanks for your replys. . .