Looking at 2016 Prius 4 w/ATP+PCP. Also want factory security/alarm system. Dealer says you cant put security alarm system on a 4, can't find part/option number. Said it was only available on the 5 so if alarm is a must have the may have to put me in a 5. Told them there's no such thing as a 5 for 2016. Anyway, toyota.com build and price says it is available as an accessory. Anyone know if it is really available or not?
I bought the alarm with Toyota during the time of the new car bargain it down to $300, was charged for $300 after installation. Original price are over marked for $500.
Jesus, I just paid $600 for mine on Friday. It hasn't been installed yet, can you tell me a little about it? Any bells and whistles? Remote start? Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Just to follow up we finally got out alarm installed. its the VIP security system. Here is the manual. TOYOTA RS3200 PLUS OWNER'S MANUAL Pdf Download.
I got a Karr alarm installed by the dealer alarm subcontractor. The dealer thought it was better. Maybe I should have gone with the factory alarm, but it supposedly works the same way. It beeps the horn lightly when armed and disarmed.