So I just wanted to say hi... I purchased my new 2011 Prius last week and have been checking out alot of the knowledge here. Seems like I made a good choice on the vehicle. It replaced my '04 Avalanche which was getting me a whopping 15 mpg. I mostly drive hwy and am averaging 46 mpg in the Prius. I got a Prius II but think I wished I got a Prius III. I don't understand the no fog light thing though. Saw a $29k Prius and still no fog lights, that will probably be a close to first purchase, along with some new wheels. Nav unit, and replacement speakers. Anyway thanks for all the great posts, I was already able to remove the backup and seatbelts beeps and DRLs. Cheers!
Congrats on two weeks with your new Prius. With what your saving on gas over the Avalance, you should be able to buy another Prius. Welcome to PriusChat.
Welcome aboard! I agree with you on the fog light issue. I have them, but I'm surprised they're not on more Prii.
This is my first week and first tank. Do you have any early tips. I had a 2007 Civic that I really liked but i put on 770 miles per week and I hope to save some money with my new 2011 Prius 4.
I did 500 my first week and I'm averaging 47mpg. I keep reading about people doing the release and reapply throttle thing? And I can't figure out the why people want to block the radiator either?? But I'm sure I'll find out soon enough. Thanks all for the hello.... JD
:welcome:You should notice the mileage improving as the weather gets warmer and the car is broken in. You must be loving the mileage and comparatively low cost to fill up vs. your Avalanche, esp. given the high gas prices in CA. It's mainly to reduce engine warmup time (when the engine is less efficient) and reduce heat loss so that it stays warmed up. You'll should notice that your mileage in the 5 minutes or so looks pretty poor. It's only advisable for when it's cold out. Definitely DO NOT do it during the summer.