I'm still considering the Prius and I have a question... I've discovered that the trick for a comfortable seat is to have support directly under the knees. If the seat is too short and there's no support there, long trips from LA to Vegas can get very uncomfortable. Can anybody comment on whether there is support under the knees or are they left hanging? Thanks
Seat Comfort I'm probably the last person who should address this!! I'm 6'6" (Hence the moniker) but I find the seats to be pretty comfortable overall, although I would like more length. Moreover, I really wish Toyota had put in six way adjustable drivers seats, or at least be able to lower/raise the seats. Nevertheless, I fit in the car seats pretty well and it is comfortable for my daily commute here in Northern VA.
Depends on how tall you are I suppose I am 6'2". I haven't ever had a car that I felt had a seat with enough length for proper thigh support. The Prius is no different. It was fine, as were other cars I have owned, but longer would be better. Search around the forum. Evan Fusco (userid efusco) found a cushion he feels increases thigh support for him. Once my Prius comes in, I'll evaluate the need. I would suggest renting a Prius, I got one from Enterprise. Drive it to Las Vegas and back
See This Thread where I address my solution to this exact issue. I also like a lot of good thigh support and find the driver's seat lacking in that regard--I'm 5'11". The seat cushion I use solves the problem adequately and I have no more complaints about the thigh support or comfort on trips of up to about 3 hours...the longest I've taken at a time.
Plan the long trip! I timed my rental to coincide with a trip to Boston ( about 425 miles round trip). I can deal with driving my wife's Subaru Legacy if I have to but I wouldn't want to go on a long trip. In it's case, the most vertical seatback position still has me feeling like I'm in a recliner. Fine for me as a passenger, but not as a driver. You are going to be waiting some time for this car, you might as well make sure you WANT to wait.
The only trip I have planned in the near future is for Hawaii on the 11th. As fantastic as the Prius is, I don't think it flies or swims.
I don't have a problem with the leg support, as the cruise control allows me to rest my legs during periods of motorway driving. I do find that I get a stiff back after about 2-3 hours, though - not ideal, as a typical weekend for me is anywhere between 4 and 10 hours each way. Oh, and I'm 6'0½"
And now... the Obligatory PriusChat Monty Python Reference [hr:12d87b225a] [font=Arial:12d87b225a]"Can I please speak! I came all the way from Oslo to do this program! I'm a professor of archaeology. I'm an expert in ancient civilizations. All right, I'm only five foot ten. All right my posture is bad, all right I slump in my chair. But I've had more women than either of you two!.... I'd rather have my little body... my little five-foot-ten-inch body..."[/font:12d87b225a] (breaks down sobbing) [font=Comic Sans MS:12d87b225a]"I'll do what I like, because I'm six foot five and I eat punks like you for breakfast."[/font:12d87b225a]
I'm 5'10" and the seat fits me well also. I did find that after several hours ( trip from Bay Area to L.A.) of driving that i require a little more lumbar support. But in city trips are very comfortable.
Evan, I have also always complained that my only real issue with the prius is the driver's seat. I commute 40 minutes each way to work and even then my lower back hurts. It's obviously not debilitating and I have gotten somewhat used to it, but the lower back pain is still there. Was your pain in your legs or back? I'm wondering if your pillow would help me.
There are a lot of good lumbar pads of similar thermal type materials I think you should try...In fact, the pad I use is designed for the back of the seat. But to answer your question, my back didn't/doesn't bother me a bit..it was purely a leg comfort and knee comfort issue...though I seem to be in a minority with that problem.
i did go on a 10 hour drive/sightseeing trip and the seat was as comfortable as i thought it could be considering. realize that after that amount of driving (about 410 miles) i was stiff all over. but i judge my seat comfort by how well i can walk and i was surprisingly not very stiff. this coupled with the fact that normal stops for gas and leg stretching wasn't available. during the first part of the trip, i was getting out of the car frequently to take pictures but it still included a 3½ hour stretch at the end of the trip to get home. i will say by the time i got home, i had been in a dozen different positions though.
I did a 10 hour drive on delivery. It was OK. The seat is OK. The seat is not insanely great (Steve made me say that) I want a 6 way seat with major lumbar support. I want a better seat. I want a seat that is more than OK.
I'm in that minority with you. I get really uncomfortable if my thighs are not supported for long periods of driving.
I'm sure that you are right, but if you have side airbags, the airbags themselves are hooked into the seats (pg 51 owners manual) so you would need to make sure that whatever changes you made are designed to work in the Prius or be sure that you have disabled the side airbag system.