Passenger front seat belt - the buckle will not go in the groove. When I look in the groove, there is a piece of metal. I press the orange release button and the metal does not move. So the buckle can't fit in there. Do I have to go to the dealer for this? I don't know what is involved, I know it isn't body work, not sure who I can take it to.
Bring it to any local mechanic and they should be able to take care of it - worst case scenario is they need to replace it which I can not imagine would be a big deal.
For now try to push the button and push the buckle into the slot. This worked for me. It's a pain but at least you have a seatbelt until you can get it fixed. You can also try to spray lubricant into the slot. Sometimes that helps. I'd recommend getting a new seatbelt just to be safe.
OK thanks, I'll phone the place I use in the morning. Yes, must get it fixed as we now have a state law requiring seat belts and they can pull us over and fine us if anyone in the car is not wearing one. Prior to this law, they had to have another reason to pull you over (ran a red, or something), now just no belt on is enough. So my passengers are riding in the back for now! Ha hahaaa. I can't get that metal piece to move, not even when the orange button is pressed down, so can't use it at all.
You've tried pushing the orange button AND pushing the buckle into the slot while the button is still depressed?
Yes, that didn't work either. Took it in earlier today, they got it fixed. Said it was jammed, no idea how I could have done it, the one mechanic said in 18 years he's not seen one jammed like that. He had to take it apart to fix it. Thanks for all the help, I really hadn't a clue who to call. :rockon: