Hello, I'm trying to see if someone can help me out finding these parts. My Car is a 2010 Toyota Prius Base model. They are small panels that go underneath the front bumper directly to the left and right of the Valance cover part #7685147030. Going through the Toyota parts website I was not able to find it or anything that resembles it. The closest I can get is that Valance cover which I already ordered since that whole front end of the underside covers is completely missing from my car. In this video the guy is taking off the part around 1:31 and you can see some numbers on it around 1:34 but a search of the numbers that I could make out lead to nothing. Here is the link, The parts may be insignificant but it irks my soul to have missing parts on the car. Plus living in the PNW I want as much underbody protection to give anything underneath from getting water splashed all over it. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank You!
There's a couple places you can order every piece of that stuff from I looked to put every piece of that stuff in the trash as quickly as I can get it off or as it comes off I don't take it off as it gets scraped messed up whatever and starts hanging I trim it and trash it as soon as most of it is off I'll take a big piece of plastic similar to what the fender liner material is made out of and I'll make one or two big pieces of that and put it up with the proper push-in fasteners and then it'll never be dealt with again just leave an opening for the oil drain and that's about it.
What are these couple of places that you speak of? Im trying to replace the ones that are missing on mine.
Sounds like the front portion of the wheel well liners. They’re all one part, even though there’s a bolted splice between the front portion and wheel well portion. You should be able to figure out on Toyota USA’s part site. Or go to a dealership parts department, that’s their bread-and-butter.
Ill give that search a shot. I didnt even think of searching for whell well liners. Kept looking for it under front bumper assembly and similar parts. Thank You