I got one from Screen Patronus (nee lcdprotector.com). It protected the MFD, but I never got it on exactly right, it always had a speck of dust or a bubble. Plus, when I had polarized sunglasses, I now had a rainbow on the screen. I took it off after a day. You might be able to do better than I.
NuShield was supposed to be working on a new one for the Prius. I haven't heard anything about that recently, though, and it's not available on their web site. I tried one of the original NuShield screen protectors on my 04's MFD but didn't like it (too much glare....fingerprints, et al, were difficult to remove).
I got a screen protector for PDA's, pa1mOne brand. Got it at Office Max. Two of them fit perfectly in terms of size. They have a print along the edges, but they don't block any information as they are small. First one when on with a bunch of airbubbles. The second one I put on "faster" and there were less bubbles. There are some annoying reflections, but we have greasy fingers in my family...and I can see it on the protectors. So for $9 I got 13 protectors that equals 6 changes. Two months and I have not changed them yet. http://www.palm.com/us/products/accessorie...yli/3232WW.html