I was thinking about applying the Scotch Gard Automotive Interior Protector on my new 2010 Prius with the bisque cloth since it is so light. It seems to stain very easily. Does anyone have any experience with this? I wonder if it will help or maybe discolor the seats, or if it really works at all. Also is their any place that can do it professionally, or is the can from the auto-parts store just as good?
I used it in my 2006 which had cloth seats and it worked great and did not mess up the cloth at all. I bought just a can at pep boys...
I sprayed the whole interior with Scotch guard. My interior is gray so I don't really know if it is working.
I think I will go and get some today. I now wish that I could have afforded leather, but maybe the Scotch Gard will keep my interior nice.
On my 06', when I did it, yes I did the seats, armrests, center console... And since they were brand new (because I did it the day I had bought it), I did the carpeted floor and rear cargo mats as well. Any stains that settled in the cargo area came right up with a little interior cleaner, micro fiber and elbow grease.
I did not scotch guard my gray cloth seats, but have not had any stain issues. The few things I spilled wiped up very nicely. But I don't have kids or lots of people in my car either.
I sprayed the seats today, but the smell is horrible. It is sitting ion the garage with the windows open. I hope that my nice new car smell with eventually come back!
I sprayed my seats and carpets with Aerospace 303 fabric protector. Very little smell and now, 8 months later, it is still doing a good job protecting the carpets. I replaced the fabric upholstery with leather can only comment that it worked well for the month or two the fabric upholstery was in the car. The low level of smell compared to Scotch Guard was remarkable. It's available at boating supply places.
I sprayed on my prius too with gray interior. No problem at all. Need to cover the door lock if you are planning to spray on the door side panel, otherwise it will leave spots on plastic after it dried from my experience.