Scary. I had no idea that schoolchildren have been subjected to this sort of propaganda.
Not just that propaganda, but a lot more, and diversified propaganda. Want to find out some REAL history of the US, read Howard Zinn's book, "A People's History of the United States." Here's a Wikipedia link: A People's History of the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
misinformation is the status quo these days so is its very definition. try driving an EV and explaining to a layperson why its a good thing. the responses i get is both laughable and tragic that Americans are so totally clueless
Isn't it wonderful not to have the gummint dictating what goes in schoolbooks, and telling us what to think? We don't need no evil socialism. Thank goodness for those kind, benevolent corporations who help our children with education funding. This is the 'freedom' we wanted, right?..... /sarcasm mode off
Yet none of you would question showing kids "An Inconvenient Truth". Speaking of propaganda and indoctrination.
How would you know? It depends on the age of the kids, and how it's presented. With some instruction beforehand about how facts can be seen in different lights, and some educational discussion afterwards, it could be a useful exercise. Merely screening the film and saying 'watch and learn' would not be appropriate. Learning to distinguish fact from fiction, and detecting bias, are critical components of learning how to think. That's not going to happen with big coal 'conveniently' omitting the truth.
Actually, I would want kids to see that, and any propaganda that the opposition puts out. Then, I would tell them to do their own research, and make their OWN conclusion! We used to have something called the fairness doctrine in the US, whereby, both sides opinions were required to be put on the air on such shows. It was repealed by executive order in 1987.