I just got my new scangauge and I plug it in. I first turned on the car,then plug the unit into the obdII plug. It just keeps reading and will not connect and get reading. I tried disconnecting a few time but every time it just reads " connecting " Anyone have this problem and how can it be fixed ?
Try connecting before powering up the car. It should have trouble-shooting tips in the back of the manual.
My scangauge takes a while to connect. Maybe 20-30 seconds and then its ok. Just be patient and let it sit for a while. Also the phone style connector on mine is loose too so I have to make sure its pushed all the way in. Not many reports of bad SG's though.
what are some of the setting that you use, that the scangauge uses to get it's info ??? that the mode setting ?
can some one read their mode setting and let me know, I would sure like to have this unit working with a block grill and see what the temp is at. thanks if you can help................