I'm looking at the Enginer.us PHEV kit which comes at a discount, but does not have CanView. For those WITHOUT CanView there may be some utility in using a ScanGauge II to monitor the OEM battery. Anyway I've been doing some experimentation with some limited success. I started by monitoring battery voltage ("btv" XGauge), and found some compelling results. You can (kinda) predict when the ICE will light by watching btv. Hobbit was helpful in pointing out that the ICE-light-point does move a little (inversely) with SOC. Then I started looking at the Current Charge Limit ("ccl" XGauge) and found that very helpful. Seems you can get a feel for how "tired" your battery is by watching ccl. When ccl drops the ECU starts to slowly baby the battery in various ways and for various reasons. This lead me to look at the battery temperature ("buf" XGauge). What I found was that above 113 F (45 C) the ECU starts to baby the battery as well. I've also added a Cell SOC differential ("csd" XGauge) to see if your cells are balanced. Anything other than zero should get your attention. There are about 5 others I'm hunting down but that is still work in progress. So the Enginer.us Strategy that I'm gonna try to employ is as follows: Run AC in cabin, aiming some vents back to the OEM battery vent to keep the battery cool as possible. I noticed that heavy EV use heats my battery up to about 47 C if I don't crank the AC while driving. Monitor Battery Volts - If I hold throttle at about 197v while in EV-mode ("evb" XGauge reads ON) with a HIGH soc I can keep the engine from lighting. If I hold 117v when out of EV-mode ("evb" XGauge reads OFF) I can keep the engine from lighting (below 42 mph). If I hold between 223v and 227v above 42mph, with a high soc, I can hold WS. Periodically check OEM pack balance - You can monitor it continually if you want, but at least periodically look at "csd" to make sure you don't have a weak cell. Monitor battery temp - Once you get hotter than 113 F (45 C) you won't be able to switch into EV mode. You'll just have to let the ECU decide when your in EV with less driver control. This also means that you can only tune the throttle to 217v rather than the deeper 197v that the EV mode allows. Monitor Current Charge Limit - This is a good battery health indicator but it's also interesting to know how much regen the pack will accept. I've seen hard braking off the highway pump more than 60A in regen down to the pack, so you want this guy pretty high if you know you have a hill coming up. So I've included a list of PC threads that talk about some of the Prius XGauge goodness below. Now on to the Gauges. Below is a breakout of the gauges I've got working. For the Hymotion Gauges, there are some "L5" gauges, but I haven't seen these in action. Much thanks to TheForce for all his data dumps and review threads that made the research possible. GAUGE: STATE OF CHARGE CONF?: YES UNITS: % TOTAL CHARGE ->TXD: 07 E3 21 CE ->RXF: 05 61 86 CE 00 00 ->RXD: 30 08 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: Soc NOTES: (PRIUS) % GAUGE: BATTERY CURRENT CONF?: YES UNITS: +/- AMPS ->TXD: 07 E3 21 CE ->RXF: 05 61 86 CE 00 00 ->RXD: 38 10 ->MTH: 00 01 00 0A F3 33 ->NAM: Bta NOTES: (PRIUS) HV BATTERY AMPS GAUGE: BATTERY VOLTAGE CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: VOLTS ->TXD: 00 33 ->RXF: 01 00 02 3B 00 00 ->RXD: 20 10 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: btv NOTES: (PRIUS) HV BATTERY VOLTS GAUGE: BATTERY CURRENT CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: +/- DAMPS ->TXD: 00 33 ->RXF: 01 00 02 3B 00 00 ->RXD: 20 10 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: bta NOTES: (PRIUS) HV BATTERY AMPS, 1 DAMP = 6.25 mA GAUGE: STATE OF CHARGE CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: % OF TOTAL BATTERY CAPACITY ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 82 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 20 10 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: soc NOTES: (PRIUS) PASSIVE CAN REQUEST, SIGN BUG IN PLACE. GAUGE: BATTERY TEMP (UPPER READ) CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: DEG F ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 02 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 30 08 ->MTH: 00 5A 00 05 01 40 ->NAM: buf NOTES: (PRIUS) °F MAX FOR THE 5 MS CYCLE GAUGE: BATTERY TEMP (LOWER READ) CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: DEG F ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 02 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 38 08 ->MTH: 00 5A 00 05 01 40 ->NAM: blf NOTES: (PRIUS) °F MIN FOR THE 5 MS CYCLE GAUGE: BATTERY VOLTAGE CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: VOLTS ->TXD: 03 C5 ->RXF: 01 03 02 CD 00 00 ->RXD: 20 10 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: btv NOTES: (PRIUS) 3CD PID READING GAUGE: EV BUTTON STATUS CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: BOOLEAN ->TXD: 05 21 ->RXF: 01 05 22 29 00 00 ->RXD: 31 01 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: evb NOTES: (PRIUS) EV BUTTON ON OR OFF GAUGE: CURRENT DISCHARGE LIMIT CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: AMPS ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 82 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 10 08 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: cdl NOTES: (PRIUS) MAXIMUM AMPS THE TRACTION BATTERY CAN DELIVER GAUGE: CURRENT CHARGE LIMIT CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: AMPS ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 82 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 18 08 ->MTH: 00 01 00 01 00 00 ->NAM: ccl NOTES: (PRIUS) MAXIMUM AMPS THE TRACTION BATTERY CAN RECIEVE GAUGE: CELL STATE OF CHARGE DELTA CONF?: YES, BUT FAILS OF "UPGRADED" SCANGAUGES (3.15*) UNITS: % OF TOTAL BATTERY CAPACITY ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 82 CB 00 00 ->RXD: 20 08 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: csd NOTES: (PRIUS) PASSIVE CAN REQUEST, SIGN BUG IN PLACE. GAUGE: TOTAL ENGINE RUN TRIP TIME CONF?: **** BROKE **** I'd like to know why though UNITS: HOURS ->TXD: 07 E3 21 1F ->RXF: 05 61 46 1F 00 00 ->RXD: 28 10 ->MTH: 00 64 0E 10 00 00 ->NAM: trt NOTES: TOTAL TIME THE CAR HAS BEEN ON THIS TRIP GAUGE: TOTAL TRIP TIME CONF?: YES UNITS: HOURS ->TXD: 50 ->RXF: 80 00 00 00 00 00 ->RXD: 00 00 ->MTH: 00 00 00 00 00 00 ->NAM: tet NOTES: TOTAL TIME THE CAR HAS BEEN ON THIS TRIP GAUGE: Solicited L5 SOC CONF?: Yes, confirmed UNITS: Percentage of Full charge ->TXD: 07 E3 21 CE ->RXF: 05 61 86 CE 09 00 ->RXD: 30 08 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: Sls NOTES: Solicited / Active gauge, so first char upercase. RXF is looking for '00' in byte nine. For the traction battery this is the LSB for the battery current which would always (99.61%) read non-zero. GAUGE: Passive L5 SOC CONF?: Yes, confirmed on SG FW version "3.15" only not "3.15*" ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 82 CB 08 00 ->RXD: 20 10 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: pls NOTES: Passive gauge, so first char lowercase. RXF is looking for '00' in byte eight. For the traction battery this is the temperature reading of the battery. It will only read 0 celcius, when it really is 0 celcius in the battery conpartment.Disclaimer: I understand that many people may not be interested in some of this stuff... but please refrain from the "why would you care about...." posts. Note: Some gauges can NOT be displayed at the same time. Conflicting sets include {soc, csd, buf, blf, ccl, cdl}, {bta, btv}, {Bta, Soc}. Remember, in my notation, CASE MaTtErs. 11011011
What Hymotion gauges are you referring to? Because I dont have any special gauges for the Hymotion battery. There are some issues using the non passive AMP gauge with the Hymotion battery. And Hymotion does not play nice with the EV status. Other than that I think everything else works.
Sorry... thought they were yours. Went back through my notes and I scribbled them together based on some theories that got bounce around on one of your L5 threads. The idea was that the SOC spoofing only produces a packet with the spoofed SOC, none of the other data that rides along with it. So by looking for the missing data, you can find the "spoofing packets". So your normal SOC gauge will bounce as you get "real" packets and "spoofed" packets, but then you can have a different SOC gauge that ONLY reads the L5 SOC. Or that's how my theory went. Here's what I had:GAUGE: Solicited L5 SOC CONF?: Yes, confirmed UNITS: Percentage of Full charge ->TXD: 07 E3 21 CE ->RXF: 05 61 86 CE 09 00 ->RXD: 30 08 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: Sls NOTES: Solicited / Active gauge, so first char upercase. RXF is looking for '00' in byte nine. For the traction battery this is the LSB for the battery current which would always (99.61%) read non-zero. GAUGE: Passive L5 SOC CONF?: Yes, confirmed on SG FW version "3.15" only not "3.15*" ->TXD: 03 C3 ->RXF: 01 03 82 CB 08 00 ->RXD: 20 10 ->MTH: 00 0A 00 02 00 00 ->NAM: pls NOTES: Passive gauge, so first char lowercase. RXF is looking for '00' in byte eight. For the traction battery this is the temperature reading of the battery. It will only read 0 celcius, when it really is 0 celcius in the battery conpartment.
If you can it might be interesting to watch CDL (current discharge limit) and Battery Amps. Its my understanding that most circumstances when the ICE will light are a result of Amps > CDL. The other indications you mention are all true (voltage sag, battery temp, SOC, etc) but I believe the battery controller takes all this data into account to compute CDL. This should tell you exactly how hard you can step on the accelerator without the ICE lighting at any give time. I'm not sure how EV vs. non-EV affects this. If I remember right this was a trick used by the Cal-cars guys with a CAN-View and I think their setup was always trying to keep them in EV.
I've yet to CDL move around much. It's usually at (if I recall) 105A. EV usually kicks out way before I'm sucking 100A usually. This may be the indicator from a dead stop. Accelleration in EV from a stop drops LOTs of amps into MG2. 11011011
In order to keep yourself in pure EV mode with out firing the ICE, your CDL should be -60Amps or lower.
I am a little confused about whether there is an xgauge code out there that will show the SOC of the L5 A123 Hymotion battery (the percentage of battery left)? I've seen Solicited L5 SOC and Passive L5 SOC. When I enter these into my scan gauge, nothing appears. I have been able to add and see the regular SOC okay. What are the Solicited and Passive L5 SOCs supposed to represent? Maybe I've entered them incorrectly.
When the Hymotion battery is turned on you should be seeing the Hymotion SOC. When the Hymotion battery is turned off you will see the stock battery SOC. There is no special gauge for Hymotion since Hymotion spoofs the SOC. The only way to tell how much energy is left in the Hymotion battery is to view the bars on the MFD or use a CAN-View to count down the Ah remaining.
I was speculating on the fact that the L5 kit does not spoof the ENTIRE packet but only the portion of the packet returning SOC. So you can tell the "genuine" one from the spoofed one by looking at the other parameters carried in that packet. Bummer to hear it doesn't work, since I don't have the L5 kit, I was never able to fully test it. 11011011