I'm a new member (Chicago) who recently bought a 2009 Prius. Is a SanGauge II redundant or overkill for this vehicle? If it isn't, what SG data would be most helpful for improving my mpg? And where is the best place to mount it (by 'best' I mean convenient to easy and safe viewing with no clumsy cord droop). Thank you in advance for any response. Jaspetrie
It really depends how much you want to know and how hard you want to try to improve your mileage. IMO something like a SG is mandatory equipment. I monitor ICE RPM, ICE temp, fuel flow and a number of other things to help me know what's going on under the hood and to improve my FE.
It's helpful, but I wouldn't worry about it the first few months anyway, you got enough going on with the MFD. When you aren't too distracted by that, only then should you get the scangauge. Hmm, we should have another Chicago get-together. I haven't heard of anything lately and I missed the last one (or two). Then you could ask people directly and get some demonstrations. Tony, any thoughts?
I've changed quite a few things on my Prius, but I am having trouble justifying the purchase of the scan guage. I am not sure exactly what it can do to improve my mileage or driving satisfaction. By that, from safety to mileage & everything in between, I am not really sure what exactly it will do that I need to know. Combined with no really ideal place to mount it, I am hesitant to purchase one. It is indeed a neat little gadget, but....... I rarely listen to my radio for "entertainment" either. But maybe I'm missing something here. I purchased my 2008 Prius Dec. 23 & averaging 50 mpg. Some tanks more, some tanks less. Lowest mpg on a full tank was low 41's, highest like 57. I live in a rural area, & I mean rural, country but oil roads, 7 miles to work, hilly. Pretty much center of Oklahoma with frequent trips to south central Kansas. Some city driving, maybe 15%. Can anyone give me a specific example of something this guage does that will specifically improve my safety, mileage, maintenance or life of my car? Not something to look at temps, etc & try to squeeze another 0.1 mpg by some different driving approach that is unpractical or complicated. Don't get me wrong, I'm sort of a gadget man, but I do have my limits. I am just trying to justify the price & real value of the guage.
I bought mine specifically to keep an eye on water temp,a fellow Taxi Driver with a 2004 Prius had the head gasket blown because the thermostat failed,overheated...kaput!€1400 to have it fixed,he since got himself a SG. With 215,000klm on my own Prius i'm having Water Pump,Serpentine Belt,Thermostat and Inverter Coolant Pump replaced as Preventative Maintenance next Tues following the advice of Patrick
Mounting: I velcroed mine on the left end of the dash next to the window pillar. the cable can be wedged into the edge of the dash and door trim, making it invisible. No modifications to car. Only practical consideration is a couple twist ties to rout the excess cabe under the dashboard. Use: 1. We used to call the temp and oil pressure warning light idiot lights. For a reason. By the time they go on, you are perilously close to disaster. 2. Don't get the ScanGuage. If in a few weeks or months of driving, you may find yourself seeking better mileage. You'll know when you need it. 3. The ScanGuage also is useful for detecting error codes. I have even taken it out, put in on my wife's car when the Check Engine light has come on. Looked up the code. "It's OK to drive honey. You can take it in later in the week." Saved mucho panic and inconvenience.
i had planned on getting one as soon as i got my car about a week ago. to be honest theres so many things to get used to... button lcations. buetooth voice commands. the nav system etc. i will wait until i know all that before i get another thing to take some attention. but i do think its a valuable tool. the mfd can only tell you so much. a simple example but when coasting or gliding it always reads 99.9. id like to know the actual dynamic values.
Get the Scangauge to answer questions about car behavior that you may never discover without it. Knowledge is power. If you start wondering why the engine is idling or your not feeling the normal acceleration, this can give you valuable insight as to what it is doing.
Doc Willie, can you post a few close-up pics of where you mounted the Scangauge and how you routed the cables? I'm interested in getting this next, and I see a few places to put it, but nowhere that the cables being exposed could be kept to a minimum. Thanks!!
Here are some pics of the install, from top to bottom: I pulled the cable out at the bottom so you can see where it runs over to the OBD port.
Doc Willie, Thanks!!! These pics make it clear. Looks like, while the cable is not 100% hidden, any exposure of it out in the open has been kept to a bare minimum. Think I will order it soon. Thanks again.