I am considering buying a ScanGauge, and noticed basically two models, the cheaper ScanGauge E and for over $50 more, the ScanGuage II. However, I haven't seen a comparison between them -- does anyone know what the ScanGauge II does that the E doesn't?
There is a good discussion going on compairing them over at ecomodder. New ScanGuage-e - Fuel Economy, Hypermiling, EcoModding News and Forum - EcoModder.com
My ScanGauge E is in the mail (litteraly bought from Amazon and USPS is delivering it on Saturday) ... I will write on it after the holiday ... at least an initial feeling and installation be done I will have three days to install and things... Gabor
I forgot this promise... Now I have a lot of experience... So ScanGaugeE .... in short I am satsified. It is smaller and gives less info. It only shows 2 values plus a graph ... and NO Xgauge Generally I am using it to monitor RPM and water Temp on the ongoing bases ( I have lower grill blocking most of the year except mid summer) ... and occasionally check daily or current values which are helpfull Out of the box it was of about 10% off on distance ... and of course everything else depended on calculating using distance... (like mpg or even speed ...) it was easy to adjust (documentation is well written ) Now, no other way but trusting the odometer ... and as long as the tires are "correct" even if they worn the are reasonably accurate ... but I did compare gps reported distances and speed and it is now very close ... well within 1% I had some emails with support and confirmed the above (there is a more detailed thread on this just search for my id( It was very easy to setup and place in my car .... If you need more feature or you want two scanner you should go with the bigger unit ... but I am happy with ScanGaugeE
As a SG II owner, I didn't read discussion but there's no way I'd buy the ScanGauge E. Having only 4 values up is sometimes insufficient in the SG II as it is (that's why some people run 2 of them at the same time) and having no XGauges is really lame. I tend to usually use BTA (HV battery amps in/out), IGN, FWT and RPM. I might switchover to Soc along w/some others like gps (gas pedal position sensor) or bps (brake pedal position sensor) or Inj (fuel injector timings).
Another option is to use the Torque app on Android phones with a bluetooth obdii adapter. I purchased a cheap mount so I can view my phone on the dash as well as for shooting video while driving. The Torque app also uses a module that will overlay your gauges onto your video. That being said I would never get rid of my SG2.
Totally agree.. anyone who really want to get MORE DATA from the car should pay the extra $50 ... I would if I do it over ... But I am still satisfied with this version ... my only regret that I can NOT monitor inverter coolant temp and perhaps inverter temp and some of HV information but I do not think I would be able to drive the car a lot better ... so IF YOU really like to know more what the Prius is actually about pay 50 more .... if you need just a little more ... this cheaper version could be your answer ... (getting no commision ...)
If you want Xgauge(Nice to have 4Prius) go SG2 otherwise go Turbogauge,Scangaue E and just get basic s