I’m considering getting a ScanGauge 2 but not sure if it’s worth since I already have the average MPG shown on my dash. I know it’s a big thing here on PriusChat but many of those threads are a couple of years old. Is it stil valuable? Are there better options now?
only worth it if it is worth it to you. what kind of info would make it worthwhile? i don't know specifics, but i think there are some phone apps as well. i'm in my 14th year of ownership. in that time, i have thought about getting one, but can't really see using it after i've seen all of the data it shows.
I disconnect mine over 2 years back, basically because it was causing increasingly regular "Check Hybrid System" warning, and messed up brake performance/warning lights. I'm not conclusively sure, but since disconnecting the warnings have not returned. Could just crappy OBD port in my car, who knows. Anyway: The one thing I really miss is coolant temp. The Prius is a car dedicated to good mpg, and engine warm-up is paramount to that. I guess I'm just ranting that. I also liked monitoring trip mpg, but that you can wangle with the trip meters. Also added XGauges for hybrid battery temp, and fan speed, both of which I appreciated. And another XGauge, to display AC compressor status, if it's running and at what level of wattage. All good stuff, but the Check Hybrid System was the deal breaker.
Don't neglect to explore the numerous competing options, many with vastly more modern displays. Usually cheaper too.
Welcome to PriusChat! I have two SG-IIs and have set up X-gauges as follows: Version 4.13 Upper: ICE(RPM) ICE(degF) AuxBat(V) ICE(HP) Lower: TracBat(Soc)/(csd)/(bTV) TracBat(+/-btA) Inst(MPG) Avg(MPG) RPM and water-temp of ICE are very important, particularly as I grille-block during the winter. The SoC and current to and from the TracBattery (along with the ICE(HP)) are useful for optimizing MPG, as is Inst(MPG) and Avg(MPG). Oh look! …here's a picture: - hope this helps - Wil
Bottom line, forgot to mention: I missed scangauge, more so at first, but ultimately no big deal. I still hook it up very intermittently, just for a moment to check specifics.
I have mine only for engine temp and RPM. Yanno some of these should be on the standard display grouping.
I run two of them, for many of the same reasons (engine temp, rpm, etc). I also like to see the current draw (or input to) from the hybrid battery as well as some other things. I like using them, although as Mendel pointed out you can get by without them once you get used to not having the data. More of a nerd fun thing for me I guess. If you get weird communication errors like mentioned above, try setting the mode to CAN SF (bus type that matches Prius, at least 3rd gen) instead of auto. I did that on mine since I am using two of them and haven't had a single issue in almost 2 years.