seen a lot of discussion on the scan gauge but have not seen anything on the ultra gauge which costs only 59. Anyone have any experience with the ultra?? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like a better display, but definitely doesn't support any Prius-specific functionality. Doesn't look even like it's as flexible as the ScanGauge (no Xgauges). The stuff currently on the market sucks. Here's my solution: New alternative to the ScanGauge
There's a pretty good discussion on the device, including user reviews and comparisons to ScanGauge, in CleanMPG. Favorable comments, on the whole. Seems to offer good value for basic add-on instrumentation, though, as PEEf acknowledges, without Prius-specific parameters or other X-gauge-like functionality.
sure looks like the UG is a great all around but it appears that the SG is better suited for the prius and its flexibility for all those odd sensors the UG apparently cannot pick up. anyone else come to that conclusion?? tks
well while waiting for the priusscan or an scangauge i decided to get an ultra-gauge for now and can later move to the gas guzzler. Kinda nice but what a bunch of hoops to get the rebate