I bought a scan gauge ll and have it connected and set up in my 2002 prius. I seem to be getting codes thrown but the sca n gauge says NO codes pending. and when I pres clear codes it will clear the code then It come back... and clue why I cannot see any codes ?
You can use a ScanGauge to read codes from the HV ECU, but not by default; you have to program in the right "XGAUGE"s for it, which vincent1449p managed to work out 9 years ago or so. Have you found those?
You'll be better off with getting Techstream and a laptop running XP. I've done lots to my gen1 and would have struggled with some problems without Techstream. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I may well go to that but the car seems to run ok with random codes every few months....has yet to repeat what ever I bought the scan gauge for in december.....