Hello, I have found an odd audio problem with my 2008 package 6 Prius. When listening to Sat radio my right channel drops out and back in without apparent cause. When it does drop out, I can change the speakers to full right and get no sound but left gives full sound. It does not happen when listening to FM radio or CDs, but on Sat it does. I have a dealer installed Sirius sat. I do not believe it is a signal strength issue as the problem can happen with the car sitting still in a parking lot with a clear sky and clear view from the antenna. Does anyone have an idea on the cause before I head to the dealer? Thanks ps - anyone know how to link my greenhybrid mileage info to my posts here? Thanks
Hi there,as a Electronic Tech, seems to me, that you have done most of the trouble shooting!!! Since it only occurs when you are listening to Sat, I would bet one of the following ... 1 - The cable that plugs into the back of the radio is loose and the dead channel's pin is not making good contact, Fix, reseat the connector, making sure that none of the plug's pins are not being pushed out during insertion. 2 - The plug that goes into the Sat Rcvr is loose ... Reseat as in #!. 3 - The receiver is actually bad ... its been known to happen. Warranty time!! 4 - The interconnect cable is bad! Replace as indicated. 5 - The Sat input on the stereo unit is bad, once again ,Warranty time!! The Sat RCVR is located under the rear seat, Passenger side, under the black metal cover. The harness runs up the passenger side wiring channel under the door sills! Good Luck on the fix, please post a "What It Was" note. I am curious!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Thanks for the info. I will double check what I can before visiting the dealer and will post when it is resolved.