just heard on CNN that two managers of FEMA in New Orleans were arrested and charged with distortion. apparently they were in charge of recommending and approving a catering service that would feed emergency workers. according the the reports, the managers offered to inflate the number of meals served for a $20,000 bribe. the caterer reported them to the authorities. i salute this unnamed caterer for watching out for my money
Don't anthropomorphize Bush's choice of professionals! You know they're doing the best they can with their God-given Bush-like intelligence.
They should have been charged with "extortion". Bush, however should be charged with "distortion"! <_<
I think DaveinOlyWA had it correct the first time . . . after all, he WAS watching CNN. Why don't we go down to Venezuela and ask Cindy Sheehan what she and her comrades think the difference between extortion, distortion and desertion are. All three are in “Big Time†play down there. http://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/americas/01/...m.ap/index.html