Hi friends. Brand new, just purchased my first Prius today (2016 3 Touring). Few questions, main one is regarding the S Flow air conditioning function. It makes it seem that when this feature is on that it is pulling energy away from cooling off the back seats and redirecting it to the driver or driver/passenger. However...where the heck are these back seat vents it's taking away from? Confused. Thx for your help.
Yeah because the Prius doesn't have rear seat A/C vents (like the Camry XLE or other Lexus models), it seems odd to have flow to the front seats only. But there are rear seat heater ducts under the front seats so I guess in the winter time, it will have an effect since that means you're only heating the front part of the cabin.
In the US you need to use the S-flow switch to turn off the back seats. If the back seats are turned off S-Flow automatically detects when there is only a driver to reduce the passenger climate control. Your UK model may well operate differently.
Just letting you know I'm just as sharp as ever, or should I say blunt? ... stings like a butterfly, floats like a bee!
The Mayweather vs. Mcgregor madness visiting your side of the pond over the weekend must have you channeling Muhammad Ali (sort of).