I'm impatiently awaiting my '09 Prius (ordered, but won't be in until mid-Oct). Meanwhile, I visit a couple of forums, including this one. My question however is this: I have too much idle time to consider modding the Prius. I doubt I'll actually do any of them for some time, but it doesn't stop me from thinking. I'm wondering if anyone has ever done a mod that will play MP3 "sounds" based on the vehicle speed, or RPM, or acceleration. I've thought it would be hilarious to sit at a light, in the hybrid Prius, but have the sounds of a big block with a 6 pack, loping under a massive cam, and occasionally "rev it up". As I said, I've got too much time to consider these things, and the dude with the pointed ears on my left shoulder has whispered this thought into my ears. Anyone heard of this being done? I could always hook up the iPod, or put in a MP3 CD, but I thought it would be more fun to have it "hooked" into the drivetrain, so the sound could vary based on RPM, etc. Ok - back to looking at the dog-eared brochure.....
I've been thinking about doing this for years, but have never found the time. Plus when it comes to home-built electronics, I'm just an occasional dilettante. Rather than use the ICE RPM, I was thinking of using the accelerator pedal signal, which can be obtained from the OBDII diagnostic port below the steering column, and using this as input to generate a throaty Harley Davidson roar. Several others here have thought/fantasized about about doing this as well. You may get some handy tips by doing a search of previous threads. Good luck!
hmmm. I find this idea strange but also kind of cool. Imagine a warp sound. a space born star trekian battle ship engine sound. pretty neat idea. or maybe even neater, music effects as you move thru the city. Wagners " Cry of the Valkyrie" maybe? or other striking music. The mind boggles! Some enterprising kid may make a good business from this especially with a variety of sounds or choices or add ons! I would probably buy it!