We're thinking that we might like a roof rack for those occasional times when we have more gear than available car space. We went to our local roof rack store. The estimated cost for a Thule system? $370 dollars for a Thule roof rack, plus an extra 600 or so for a box to attach to it. Yikes! Even when considering that it's Canadian dollars, this seems expensive. Do we really need a Thule system in order to put groceries, camping gear, or other bits and pieces on the roof from time to time? Are there any other systems out there? What do you folks use?
probably cheeper to go with Costaltech's hitch and a platform. From what you described it's almost a thousand dollars for the Thule system. That seems way too much for a few times you need extra storage space.
You might also check into vendors such as Rack Attack to see if they are cheaper. I bought a Prius rack from their U.S. phone number since I'm south of the border, but they have offices in Canada too.