Had two Acura's before coming into the Prius family. One feature I liked about the Acura was that from the FOB while walking up to the car if I hit unlock, then held down unlock, it would roll down all the windows and even open the sunroof. Really nice way to quickly vent the car before I got into it. Is this possible with the Prius?
Not possible with the Prius. My wife's Accord has this feature and it is really nice to unlock the doors and roll down the windows especially when it is hot outside. We can do it from inside the house and it is nice to let all of that hot air out before getting in the car.
It's possible but expensive. The basic run down is as followed First program the factory FOB to unlock all doors with single push, then install window control module on all the windows and sun roof Wire up the unlock to activate the pulse timer relay and time it 3 seconds. You'll have to use the positive trigger. Wire up the unlock to NO of the pulse timer as well. Use the Common to trigger window control module to roll down the windows. The operation.... first unlock will trigger the timer. Within 3 seconds if you want to roll down the windows, hit the unlock again. I estimate the cost to be about $500-1000 for all 4 windows for parts and labor.
I half expected a response from you given your electrical prowess I think I will just use the AC button to cool it down.