I've noticed a few members with Rochester area locations in their profile. Wondering if there is any interest in getting together somewhere locally. Post here if you're interested and then we can work out the details. Perhaps we could do a group Block Heater and/or Grill Block install before winter?
I live in Watkins Glen and I need to install my Block Heater before winter - so I would be interested in getting together to work on this. I just have the instructions from the posts on this website to go on... but they don't look too hard...
I'm in Ithaca. I've installed an EBH on both of ours. I have a garage, ramps and forearms JUST skinny enough to get in there w/o getting scratch too badly. I also found a nice way to route the plug underneath the front of the car so it can be pushed up in and out of the way and out of sight. Works well, and doesn't stick out of the grill. Anyway, happy to help out/install for anyone who needs/wants my help. Zhe Wiz
Zhe wiz, I may take you up on your offer! I have the will but the way is a bit off in the distance. If we can arrange a weekend to do the install, that would be great! If you e-mail me at _____, perhaps we can set something up. Thanks, Steve
Steve's driving to my house on the 20th of September around 10:30am. We'll be installing his EBH after the engine cools. If anyone else is interested, let me know via PM and we can make a little EBH install party out of it. Happy to help anyone, or even install it for anyone who'd like me to. Thanks, Jack Z Dryden (near Ithaca) NY