Well RIP my baby, a 2009 modded Prius!! On 25 MAR 2017 I was hit by a drunk driver in a Cadillac CTS-V. The driver of this high performance car (640 HP), t-boned me while I was at a dead stop at an intersection doing around / over 80mph!! Because of the incredible design of the Toyota Prius I, my 2 passengers both 13 y/o boys, and 1 other driver survived with various severity of injuries. Courtesy of the drunk driver, and a 2 foot plus driver side incursion, I was blessed with a shattered lower left leg, 6 broken ribs 3 in 2 places, 8 inch laceration on my left elbow just missing my nerve and artery, separated shoulder, fractured glenoid, and 2 surgeries! My other passengers; one was in the ICU for 3 weeks recovering the other, much luckier!! The driver to my right... smashed face! Drunk Driver.. air bags didn't go off. The prize for me... I am a member of the JAWS-OF-LIFE Club! Yeah Me! Thanks to God, and the incredible safety features of the Prius, we are all alive today!! Well I just got my 3rd Prius (2014 Prius 4) and I am ready to start my suspension and chassis mods so I have a number of questions... The 2009 had a Tanabe STB, Tanabe / Sustec Under-Brace, juiced hybrid Green chassis plate, Performance RSB, H&R Springs, and KYB Struts. I LOVED the way this car drove, especially on hilly and curvy roads. I loved pi***** off BMW drivers keeping up with or running away from them on the windy roads!! OK so they blew me away on the straight away... but still so much fun! Besides I loved the looks they gave me when they finally passed me on the highway!! I spent the last couple of weeks reading and through hundreds of pages on chassis mods for the 2014 and have a few questions. I see a lot of you use the TRD RSB vs. the Cusco RSB. Is this preference, a cost thing or something else? On the 2014, I am planning on using a Tanabe STB, Tanabe / Sustec Under Brace, Cusco center brace, Cusco FSB, and TRD RSB. Will this work... God I hope so!! As far as lowering goes... when I have the money I want to do adjustable coil-overs (TEIN?) but the only caveat is that I need to be able to adjust them from INSIDE the car... if this is possible. Wheels and tires just looking to increase the tire size... I don't want to decrease my MPG since I commute about 130 miles a day. The only picture of crash I have (still difficult to look at) is attached. When I get the photos from my wife's phone I'll upload those. They are pretty incredible to see! Thanks again for all your advice and input... looking forward to hearing all of your advice on this next build!
Burna J thanks!! I still can't believe how the 2009 held up; It is a design marvel, just in the fact we all survived! Looking for the cheapest place to get the parts, and can't wait to get them and install! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Yeah you know it!! My son and his friend (who were also in the car) said the same thing... all three of us now have the same Birthdate!!
Blessings to you and the rest. May you recover and still enjoy life with the positive outlook you have!!
Thanks for the good thoughts and blessings!! Police, fire trucks, ambulances oh my!! I think that if I didn't have a positive attitude I would go crazy , well that and the help of an amazingly supportive Navy Wife!
Thank you both for your service and time! Good luck with the mod. If you ever get to So Cal there are plenty of people that have modded their suspensions down here.
Montgomery, thank you it was a great 30 year run!! Couldn't have done it with out the support of my wife and family!!