I was bored. I removed my DOD Tags and some other things. Decided to add some amber to my lights. My evolution is out of commission so I might as well do something to my other car. I did amber because as far as I know, no on gas done this. I will be replacing these with some valentis in the future. Just waiting for my other car to get fixed. And blacking my lights out it just stupid. Maybe a red over lay will look nice too. Thanks for looking
Nice work. The amber overlays look good! I've done the all red overlays with amber inserts before on my OE '10 tail lights and it didn't look right. I suspect that the OE '13 tail lights would look the same way. The way the red overlay reflected under the sun, it was a mix between dull and gloss. Made the overall look really dated and 1980s. Maybe if I didn't use that brand overlay, or maybe if I didn't stretch it as much it might have come out looking better.
What brand was it?? I have 2 ambers. And the first amber just isn't to well. It's not as translucent. I like using oracle vinyl/overlays.
Not bad looking to be different. Light smoke film (rather than blacking it out) looks nice too and looks better than red overlays (which look more pink then red), IMO. Otherwise, Valentis are the way to go.
I haven't seen a prius with red overlays. Thanks. If I do the red the amber is being removed. It does look different though......ugly? Not obnoxious ugly, but cool/weird ugly.
Here's a link on this forum to my Prius with red overlays. I have since switched to Valentis. BlueBatmobile vinyl tail light overlays | PriusChat