I'm a reporter for Reuters and am working on an article comparing hybrid car owners and luxury SUV owners and the statements they make with their vehicle choice. I would greatly appreciate it if I could ask a Prius owner a few questions about their car choice. If people could e-mail me at [email protected] with their name and a phone number to reach them, as well as a good time to call, that would be a big help. I'm working on this article for a couple days, but talking to someone today or tomorrow would work best. Thanks! Karey
Spoke w/ Karey this afternoon. Very nice though I'm concerned about the direction she intends to take with the article. Seems she's wishing to focus on the idea that Prius owners buy the Prius b/c of it's unique styling so they can make a statement. I tried hard to dissuade her of that idea and suggested that idea came much more from outside the Prius community by anti-hybrid folk much moreso than from Prius owners who have sound reasons for choosing the Prius..making a statement being very low on the list of reasons. Hopefully she was listening....
I was sitting here wondering just exactly what I would say about the "tatements make with [my] vehicle choice." All I could come up with was that I like the car. :behindsofa:
But, what if I did buy the Prius due to the unique body styling making a visible statement about my values? I think it's cute. I love the fuel economy. I love that it is ultra low emission. I love the reliability and low maintenance. It's cute.
I sent her a long e-mail about all the reasons I bought my car along with my phone number. I doubt she'll call. In the end I said if she's looking for someone who bought the car because of the styling to "make a statement" don't bother to call.
Wait, what are you-all talking about? The Prius body style makes a statement about values? What is it? You don't like paying a lot of money for gas? I had no notion in my head when I bought the car. Don't hate me, but the first time I went to go look at a Prius back in 2005, I realy didn't like to look of the design. I often don't the first time I see something new. It may have also been something about the color (to avoid offense, I won't say what color it was). Then the sales person couln't get the car started for a test drive and he just said "it is broken right now, come back some other day." Now here is something I really shoun't admit here, but at that time, I nicknamed the car "Prius of Sh_t", and I thought of this name each time I saw one on the road. But the design of the body grew on me enough that I could buy one, and then it continued to grow on me so that now that I love this little car and think of it as my best car ever, the design is a huge part of that love. But still, not interrested in making a statement.