so a guy at work (volkswagen) was able to buy and adapter/sw to change features in his car. turn more brake lights on, mess with keeping lights on when turn signals come on and more.. another guy has a accura and he does something like double click lock or hold both lock/unlock and his windows go down half way.... volkswagen guy just programmed his to do that... so is there anything that can be programmed on the prius that is not? One thing I do love is that all 4 windows are auto up and auto down. My 2016 JKU is front 2 auto down... thats it... would be nice to be able to walk towards car or if standing by it talking to someone on a hot day hit a button and have windows go down half way automagically.... probably not but thought Id ask...
There are features you can reprogram with an OBDII programmer. The number of times the Reverse chime beeps is one. Other features you can reprogram via the screen. For example how long the headlights stay on after you open the door. There is a chapter in the owners manual called Customization, that outlines the features, and how you can access them. page 596
Carista is one app/dongle that works with the Prius but they've recently changed their pricing structure. The Gen 3 doesn't have too many things that can be customizable (well there's more on the 2012-2015 than there are on the 2010-2011 versions). The Gen 4 has a couple more features (like remote-linked window open like the Acura).