Hi guys, Manage to finish editing the video on replacing spark plugs for Prius Gen 3. Please push like and subscribe if the video is useful. Or let me know what I can improve to make the videos better.
You probably ought to mention more clearly that this is a RHD (right-hand drive) Prius. That can be seen only for the first 3 seconds of the video (where the windshield wipers are visible), and in the very last minute, showing inside the cabin. If the car in this video were LHD, like those in the North American and many other markets, the video would end in defeat at the 1 minute 51 second mark.
WHY would you gap the old spark plugs, that look like the incorrect ones? And he left out the hard and longest part, removing the wiper assembly...
The only difference is that in an LHD Gen 3 Prius, your procedure would end at 1:51 in your video, because the igniter would be too tall to remove with the windshield wipers and cowl still in place. This has been discussed on other threads before. Edit: posts crossed ... That's just the thing. In the RHD cars, which don't have the big double-jointed passenger windshield wiper, the cowl is shallow enough that it does not get in the way. The igniters can be lifted right out, just as the video shows.
Thanks for the information. I will update my video description to mention this only apply for RHD Prii.
For North American cars, @NutzAboutBolts video is the go-to: One thing, he goops anti-seize on the spark plug threads and recommends 20 foot/pounds torque, whereas Toyota says 15 foot/pounds, presumably with clean/dry threads (there's no mention of lube).
That's like a perfect storm. Overtorquing is bad enough by itself. Anti-seize is bad enough by itself, at least if you don't reduce the torque to make up for it. Adding anti-seize and then going 33% above the spec'd dry torque? What NGK and Denso say about anti-seize on plugs was covered back in this thread.
Right, antiseize is not recommended for Denso or NGK high quality spark plugs. It has realy good nickle plated steel and will cause too much shearing whe you apply torque spec. It should be 20-30% less torque when using antiseize not more.