Hi My engine air intake hose has a significant crack in it. I am looking into patching or replacing. I am thinking it may not hold up to the handling patching would require. The part is no longer available new for gen1. When you purchase a replacement of this part you get the whole assembly the hose fits into. The gen2's have a different part number and the assembly the hose fits into looks different but the hose itself looks the same, at least based on internet photos. Does anyone know if you can use the gen2 hose on the gen1 prius, I would still probably have to get a used one, but the gen2 ones look to be in a lot better shape. thanks,
I don't have a gen one to look at but it's the one NZ in the gen 1 and nearest the same year as the beginning of the Gen 2 with the same engine so I would say if the hose looks good in the internet pictures I would probably grab one and make it work. Personally that's what I would do given the fact that about everything has about falling off the parts list for the gen 1 I'd love to have one but that is the main reason for not.
If esthetics don't matter: 1. Clean and rough-sand the crack zone 2. Mix up some 2-part epoxy 3. Tack-glue a strip of fiberglass mesh, covering the crack and a bit further. 4. Liberally coat with the rest of the epoxy mix. 5. Temporarily put on rubber bands, if the fiberglass mesh starts to lift. For a slightly better appearance you might go over it with some black spray paint after.
If you can't see it when driving, than aesthetics shouldn't matter. I don't see many Gen I Prii at car shows...
A shame, that. They're getting into 'classic' age now (by some definitions), they're cute cars, there were only about 52,000 of them here, and they really did start a new thing.
FWIW: here's an eBay listing for a 2002 Prius in Cali... $6950 ask... https://www.ebay.com/itm/284895807274?hash=item42551d072a:g:vC0AAOSwS7Ri0MMP Suddenly, they're popular....