Does anyone know how to take the grommet off the downstream o2 sensor? Trying to reuse it. The new o2 sensor doesn't come with a grommet. Not sure how to release the metal bracket to free the grommet from the wire insulation. The grommet plugs the hole on the bottom of the car nicely while holding the o2 sensor wire in place.
So I'm guessing you bought an aftermarket sensor that's why you don't have the little rubber grommet so why not clip the stainless band clamp that looks like a pex pipe clamp. Then that grommet should slide off I would think some WD-40 on the wire ahead of the grommet in the direction you want to go would allowed it to slide but won't get it over the plug maybe with the metal band cut pried open and removed the grommet may stretch over the plug then when you get it where you want it on the wire put a dab of goop on it let it sit push the grommet in the hole after installing the sensor so as you can see many people are riding around without the grommet if they didn't buy the denso sensor. That is my guess is what's happenehappened here
Yes, here's the new one. It says Toyota Denso on it. Hopefully it's an OEM one. It does not have a grommet so I'm trying to reuse the old one. It just has a molding fastener on it.
Here's some more closeup on the original one. I'm not sure how to "clip" the band clamp. It looks like the it wraps around and is welded. If you look closely the two "circles" on the each side is holding part of the grommet sheath in place.
Schmit the grommet where it looks like it's crimped It should unfold It was crimped by some machine All you can do is try it
Where did you buy it? Seems unlikely to me Toyota forgot the thing needs a grommet. The crimped clamp on the old one is probably most easily Dremeled off. (Be careful, 'cause a cutoff wheel can get a small metal piece pretty hot, and you'd rather not melt the grommet.) Then just secure it on the new cable with a ty-wrap or some twisted wire, blob of silicone, or something. To crimp a new clamp of the original style would require a tool for that.
I got it off ebay, it said it fits camry, echo, prius and yaris. I specifically asked if it was oem and they said it was, but who knows. I don't have blade or saw, might just try with a screw driver and hammer. Otherwise I guess I can just use some clay to hold the new one in place.
If you look at the fitting the part that's crimped the silver band you see there is a slip joint it looks like on the band a fold over piece If you look carefully you'll see it so it looks to me if you use a pair of dikes sharp ones those are side cutters and cut the crimps and then grab a pair of needle nose pliers and try to pry or spread the two pieces of part It looks like it will slip enough to make it loose enough to slide the business off then once you have the wire through the piece then you can squish the rubber because the wires missing and the band will pull right over what you're squeezing should be pretty simple and already done.
Head for your local Home Depot or the like and get a lump of "duct seal" and you'll have pretty much the official version of exactly that. For some reason, a block of the stuff is called a 'pug'. I've never known a block of anything else to be called that. It looks like some stores have re-spelled it as 'plug', maybe because some data-entry person couldn't believe it was really a 'pug'.
We used to call that dumb dumb in the air conditioning business That's what that putty was called I have a whole can full of it sitting right here on the shelf I've had it forever it's still good We use it where lines can penetrate duct work this is before they had nice little grommets and things that you could push into the duct hole that you made in the duct so this was like back in the '60s and early '70s he'd penetrate the duct with your lines whatever you had going on You take this dumb dumb putty which looks like plumbers putty but quite a bit different shape it stick it in the hole squeeze it around what penetrated the hole leave it.
Legit: Gardner Bender 1 lb. Plug Duct Seal Compound DS-110 - The Home Depot Funny name tho. Looks like non curable so can be reused also.
Yup, that's one of the listings where the person doing the data entry must've said "huh, pug? must be plug...".