If you put a remote start on a Prius C or any hybrid don't it turn off because if it is not moving it thinks it is at a stop light? I don't have remote start but if I start my 2012 Prius C and let it warm up it will turn off unless I put the heater/fan on low. Am I wrong on this? I have the Prius C 2 and it does not have a start button.
for someone who owns a toyota hybrid...you sound like someone who's just jumped in one for the 1st time in their life, anyway, just like when you're driving the car, once the "gas engine" is warmed up, the "gas engine" will turn off at stops, below 45mph, ev mode...however, you should get it now that even though the "gas engine" is turned off, the car as a whole is still "ON" and will kick on the "gas engine" according to your gas peddling situations. same thing goes for remote start, once the "gas engine" is warmed up, the car will turn off the "gas engine", but the car is still "ON", and will kick on/off the "gas engine" accordingly
That is mostly correct, unless you have some sort of substantial electrical draw it will turn off once it warms up. In the colder months I would leave the heater on to keep ICE running long enough to really warm up the engine.