Hi All, I have two remote keys for my Prius (T-Spirit Don't know what model it is equivalant to in the US), and I was wondering what would happen to the remote key if I took the battery out since I only use one set of the remote? Warm regards
Nothing bad will happen. I guess you are trying to store it longer, correct? I am not sure how much longer you will get from removing the battery. Li battery loses charges by itself anyway over time.
HI. Thank you for the reply. No so much for wanting to last longer but to protect the remote against the battery while not being used. Battery cost is insignificant against the cost of a remote key from Toyota. But at the same time I am afraid to take the battery out just incase it loses (memory) so when I do need it I won't be able to use it so I have been letting the battery in the remote still. So it won't lose its memory if the battery is removed? If so then I will remove the battery straight away. Warm regards
The car is "taught" to look for the fob, not the other way around, so it should not matter if the battery is out of the fob. Also, the codes are "flashed" into the ECU so that if you disconnect the 12V battery in the car, the fob will still work when you reconnect the battery.
If it is only used when you push a button, it could last a long time since I rarely use my buttons. My Tacoma Remote battery lasted over 4 yrs.