Yesterday after work i went to start up my 2002 prius and upon start up the red triangular warning light came on. I was to the point where my gas gauge was blinking so I figured it was because of that. However after a complete fill up the light has stayed on. I do not know why and was just wondering what the posibilies of the light could be. My low coolent level light also came on the day before and I am going to fill it up and I figure it has nothing to do with it but figured it would be worth adding. Any help is appreciated, thanks.
You might restart the vehicle three times to see if the error display goes away. The other alternative is to disconnect the 12 battery for 2-3 minutes to clear the codes. GOOD LUCK! Bob Wilson
Herkey, you don't *have* a low coolant level light. Blue is for temperature low, and red is for temperature high. Please tell more details. - Did you check the coolant level? Have you ever had TBS EG011-03 done? That is actually kinda common especially in the colder months. Is there a bunch of soot on your throttle butterfly? (look under the engine air filter).